December 6, 2015 - fallout 4, guides

Fallout 4 Character Creation Guide

What is your name?

Obviously, you can name yourself whatever you want, so this is more of a quality of life suggestion than anything. Codsworth, your robot butler can say roughly 900 names, so interacting with him is a little more enjoyable when he says your name instead of "Sir" or "Ma'am."

The following list may not be appropriate for all ages, but you probably already knew that.

Aaliyah Aaron Abigail Abram Abrams
Adalyn Adam Adams Addison Adeline
Adrian Ahn Aideen Aiden Akira
Al Alaina Alan Alana Alex
Alexander Alexandra Alexis Alice Allen
Allison Altman Alyssa Amanda Amelia
Anderson Andonov Andrew Andy Angel
Angela Anna Annabelle Anthony Archer
Aria Arianna Asdf Ash Asher
Ashford Ashley Asimov Assface Atkins
Atkinson Atom Atomic Atticus Aubrey
Audrey Austin Autumn Ava Avery
Bacon Badass Bailey Baker Banner
Bannerman Bannion Barnes Barron Barry
Bash Bastard Battosai Batty Baudoin
Bell Bella Ben Benjamin Bennell
Bennett Bentley Bery Bill Billy
Bilodeau Black Blaise Blake Blaze
Bob Bobbi Bobby Bogdanove Bond
Boob Boobie Boobies Boom Boston
Bowman Bradley Braun Brayden Brenda
Brenna Brian Brianna Brick Brigner
Brock Brody Brooklyn Brooks Browder
Brown Browne Bruce Bruckheimer Bryan
Bryant Buffy Bulger Bull Burgess
Burke Burt Butch Butler Caden
Cal Caleb Callie Camden Camilla
Campbell Capable Carey Carnow Carofano
Caroline Carson Carter Carver Casserly
Castle Catherine Cha Chapin Chappy
Charles Charlie Charlotte Chase Cheng
Cherise Cherry CherryBomb Chloe Chopper
Chris Christian Christiane Christopher Church
Claire Clara Clark Clarke Claw
Clemens Clunk Cobb Cobra Cock
Cockerham Cole Colin Collins Colton
Conall Connor Cook Cooke Cooper
Cormac Corman Cornelius Cornett Corrie
Corrine Corvo Corwin Cory Cosgrove
Courtenay Courtney Cox Coyle Craig
Crash Cruz Cubbison Cullen Cummings
Dag Damien Dan Dane Danger
Daniel Daniels Danny Darrel Darren
Darryl Daryl Dave David Davis
Dawson Deag Death Deb Debbie
Deborah Deckard Declan Deitrick Delaney
Dell Dennis Denton Deschain Deth
Diana Diane DiAngelo Diaz Dick
DiMaggio Dinolt DJ Django Dom
Domics Dominguez Dominic Don Donald
Dong DongJun Donnie Donny Doug
Douglas Dragon Draper Dulany Dutch
Duvall Dylan Eagle East Ed
Eddie Eddy Edwards Elena Eli
Eliana Elijah Elizabeth Ella Ellie
Elliot Elliott Emil Emile Emily
Emma Erectus Eric Erik Erin
Ernest Ernie Ethan Eugene Eva
Evan Evans Evelyn Everdeen Everett
Felipe Ferret Fifi Finn Finster
Fiona Fisher Flag Flagg Flash
Flores Flynn Foster Fox Fragile
Francis Franke Freeman Frost Fuck
Fucker Fuckface Furiosa Fury Gabriel
Gabriella Gardiner Gary Gavin Gene
George Georgia Gerry Gianna Gil
Glen Gomez Gonzalez Goose Gordon
Graber Grace Grant Gravato Gray
Grayson Greco Green Greene Grey
Griffin Grognak Gryphon Gutierrez Guy
Hackman Hailey Hall Ham Hamilton
Hamm Hammer Hammett Hamrick Han
Hannah Hans Harden Hardi Harold
Harper Harris Harry Haschart Hasenbuhler
Hastings Hawk Hawke Hazel Henning
Henry Herbert Hicks Hill Hines
Holly Holmes Hook Hopgood Houle
Howard Hudson Hughes Humongous Humungus
Hyun Ian Ilya Imperator Indiana
Indy Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah
Ist Istvan J.P. Jack Jackson
Jacob Jag Jake James Jangjoon
Jasmine Jason Jay Jayce Jayden
Jeff Jeffery Jen Jenkins Jennifer
Jeremiah Jeremy Jerry Jerusalem Jess
Jessica Jessie Jet Jim Jimmy
Joan Joe Joel Joey John
Johnson Jon Jonathan Jones JonPaul
Jordan Jordyn Joseph Josh Joshua
Josiah JP Juan Julia Julian
Juliana Justin Kaela Kaelyn Kaitlyn
Kal KalEl Kaneda Kate Katharine
Katherine Katniss Kauffman Kayla Kaylee
Keira Kelley Kelly Kelvin Ken
Kennedy Kenshin Kevin Kim King
Kirk Knight Krietz Kuhlmann Kurt
Kylie Lafferty Lamb Landon Lane
Langlois Laura Lauren Laurie Layla
Lea Leah Lederer Lee Leo
Leon Les Leslie Levi Lewis
Li Liam Liesegang Lila Liliana
Lillian Lily Lincoln Linda Lionheart
Lipari Liz Logan London Loner
Long Lopez Losi Lucas Luce
Lucy Luke Lundin Lupe Lynda
Maam Mackenzie Macklin Madam.fuz Madeleine
Madelyn Madison Makayla Mal Malcolm
Mamba Mandy Marcus Marge Maria
María Marie Marji Marjorie Mark
Markiepoo Marko Markus Marlowe Marsden
Martin Martinez Marty Mary Mason
Mateo Matt Matthew Matty Max
Maya McCoy McDyer McFly McKay
McPherson Means Megan Meister Mejillones
Mia Micah Michael Michonne Miguel
Mikami Mike Mila Miles Miller
Mitchell Mohammed Molly Monster Montana
Moonves Moore Morales Morgan Morgue
Morpheus Morris Muck Mudguts Muhammad
Mulder Muldoon Murphy Myers Nadia
Nancy Nanes Nardone Nasty Natalia
Natalie Natasha Nate Nathan Nathaniel
Nazarov Neary Nelson Neo Nesmith
Neville Nguyen Nicholas Nico Nipple
Noah Nogueira Nolan Noonan Nora
Norm Norman Normand North Northup
Nourmohammadi Nuclear Nuke Olds Oliver
Olivia Ollie Olsen Olson Optical
Orgasmo Orin Ortiz Owen Owens
Pagliarulo Palmer Paris Parker Parson
Pat Patrick Patty Paul Pely
Pendleton Penelope Perez Perry Pete
Peter Peterson Peyton Phil Philip
Phillips Picard Plissken Powell Preacher
Price Priest Prince Princess Psycho
Puma Purkey Purkeypile Python Qin
Quartermain Quatermass Queen Quinn Rabil
Raf Rafael Ramirez Ramsey Randal
Randall Rankin Rapp Ray Raymond
Reagan Red Reed Reese Rex
Reyes Reynolds Ricardo Richard Richards
Richardson Rick Ricky Rictus Riddick
Riley Ripken Ripley River Rivera
Rob Robb Robert Roberts Robinson
Rock Rockatansky Rocky Rodriguez Roger
Rogers Roland Rollins Romanov Romanova
Romero Ron Ronald Ronnie Ronny
Rook Rosa Rose Ross Roy
Ruby Russell Ryan Sadie Sage
Salvatore Sam Samantha Sammie Sammy
Samuel Sanchez Sánchez Sanders Sandra
Sanjuro Sara Sarah Sarse Savannah
Sawyer Scarlett Schaefer Scharf Schram
Schreiber Scott Scully Sears Sebastian
Selena Seljenes Serena Seth Sex
Sexy Shane Shannon Sheiman Shen
Shinji Shrike Sidney Simmons Singer
Sir Skyler Slaughter Slinger Slit
Sloan Smirnova Smith Snake Snow
Snyder Solo Solomon Sophia Sophie
South Southie Spade Spider Spike
Splendid Spring Springsteen Stark Stef
Stella Steph Stephanie Stephen Sterling
Steve Steven Steward Stewart Stone
Struthers Stuart Sullivan Summer Sunshine
Sweetpea Sydney Tallahassee Taylor Teare
Ted Teddy Teitel Tesla Tetsuo
Texas Thomas Thompson Thorn Thorne
Tiana Tim Timmy Timothy Tit
Tittie Titties Toadie Toast Todd
Toecutter Tom Tommy Tonon Tony
Torres Tracey Tracy Treadway Tresnjak
Trinity Tristan Trump Tuck Turner
Tyler Unbreakable Utting Valenti Valentina
Valkyrie Vargas Vash Venkman Vic
Vicens Victoria Violet Vivian Vlatko
Wagner Walker Walton Wanderer Ward
Washington Watson Watts Wayne Webb
Wells Wes West Weyland Wez
White Whitey Wikus Will William
Williams Willy Wilson Winter Wisnewski
Wood Woodward Wright Wyatt Xavier
Yan Yojimbo Yorick Young Yutani
Zachary Zdana Zed Zenith Zetta
Ziggy Zip Zoe    

Design "both" of your genders

During character creation, spend some time on your spouse's appearance as will make the story a bit more personal and it impacts your child's appearence (It's a neat caveat Bethesda put into Fallout 4). As you go through the story, you will appreciate taking the time later on. Trust me.

You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Each level gives you an ability point, you can put ability points into your S.P.E.C.I.A.L., and there is no level cap, so there's no reason to freak out about how you spend your points during character creation. That being said, you should try not to spend points in your S.P.E.C.I.A.L., there's plenty of good perks out there and your first 20-40 levels depend greatly on how you spend the points (theoretically, you can max out everything, but it will take a lot of time unless you find an exploit).

Strength Determines how much you can hold and how much your melee attack/bash does
Perception Determines accuracy in V.A.T.S. and your ability to steal from NPCs
Endurance Determines how many hit points you have and how many AP sprinting takes.
Charisma Determines chances for successful speech dialogue and better prices while shopping
Intelligence Determines amount of experience gained from doing stuff
Agility Determines the amount of AP (action points) you have and your ability to sneak
Luck Determines how fast your crit bar fills up in V.A.T.S and the chances of finding legendary gear.

For a quality build (a build that can do just about anything), you should use the following build. The main drawback is that the build does not make use of the luck attribute. Note that it is not optimized at all for bobbleheads, so this should be considered a beginner build.

STR 3+

+ I recommend spending the You Are Special! book point here. It will allow you to mod fist and melee weapons with the Blacksmith perk.

You Are Special! Book

The You Are Special! book gives you a free point in any one SPECIAL stat. It can be found in Shaun's room in Sanctuary Hills after you exit Vault 111.

It is possible to cap a base stat at 12 by using this book. To do that, make sure the stat you want to increase is already 10, find a way to reduce that stat temporarily (normally through an addiction or alcohol), then pick up the book and choose that stat. When the stat reduction is removed, your base stat should now be 11. Then go pick up the bobblehead for the given stat to cap it at 12.


There are bobbleheads that can be found throughout The Commonwealth that increase your SPECIAL stats. You can use these bobbleheads to increase your base stats above 10 if you raise the stat to 10  before  picking up the bobblehead. You will not be able to raise your stat above 10 if you already picked up the bobblehead.

Bobblehead Locations

Location: Museum of Freedom, on the desk with a broken terminal on the top floor of the building.


Location: Boston Public Library, on a large computer in a room in the northwest corner of the building.


Location: Mass Fusion Building, on the top of the statue in the lobby (you'll have to climb to the top floor, then jump down).


Location: FMS Northern Star, on a wooden beam that's part of the scaffolding of the ship.


Location: Poseidon Energy, on the desk next to a broken terminal in the middle of the room where Cutty is.


Location: Spectacle Island (southeast corner of the map), in a locker on a wrecked boat.


Location: Parsons State Insane Asylum, on the desk near the terminal in Jack's office where Edward is found.

Breakpoint Perks

I call these breakpoint perks. These are the perks that build the base of your character.

Lone Wanderer (CHA 3)

This is a really cheap perk and it's really strong as long as you don't use a companion (duh). It's unique since it gives you carrying capacity out of the STR tree. It gives percent damage reduction (!!!) and a percent damage increase at later levels.

It combines two perks that are somewhat expensive into one single, cheap perk. Inspirational, the perk that has the opposite effect, requires 8 CHA and STR's Strong Back perk requires 2 points just to match the first level's benefit (another win-more perk, since STR increases carrying capacity anyways).

Plus, I don't like having a follower anyways, since they can be pretty dumb and glitchy; they like to get stuck on walls or get lost on a somewhat regular basis.

Toughness (END 1)

Lots of damage resistance for almost nothing. Decent armor pieces provide 5-10 damage resitence, so consider each point spent as an extra arm or leg.

Refractor, it's counterpart, is also good, but really expensive (PER 7).

Life Giver (END 3)

Even though damage reduction is generally better than hit points, you can't cover all of your bases all the time (especially early on). 20 max health isn't a lot, but it's going to help early on (20 health is effectively 4 END or 2 levels). The passive health regeneration on the third tier of the ability is why I like it.

Action Boy / Action Girl (AGI 5)

Since this is Fallout and the game has V.A.T.S., you should use it. Getting a cheap 25%-50% boost to regeneration is well worth the two points spent in this perk,

Bloody Mess (LCK 3)

5-15% damage increase. Solid choice.

Hacker (INT 4) and Locksmith (PER 4)

You can complete the main storyline without either of these perks, but you should pick at least one (but probably both) if you do any sort of exploring in the game; basically, if you're going to play the Fallout way, you're going to want these.

Crafting Perks

From a perk standpoint, crafting is very expensive. four points into Armorer, four points into either Blacksmith or Gun Nut, two points into Scrapper, and two or four points into Science! so I'm not entirely sold on it (it's pretty much twelve levels).

Armorer (STR 3)

Upgrading armor is really handy. It keeps you alive.

Blacksmith (STR 4), Gun Nut (INT 3), Science! (INT 6)

You're probably going to want to upgrade those guns; this unlocks better scopes and such, so can be pretty important.

Scrapper (INT 5)

Virtually required if you want to modify weapons; it makes modifying weapons early possible (and inexpensive).

Settlement Perks

In order to build everything in your settlement, you need at least 6 charisma and 6 intelligence for the following perks.

Local Leader (CHA 6 - Rank 2)

The Sims is part of Fallout now, as long as you want to play it. This perk is notable because it opens up a neat aspect to the game, but you don't need it. If you want to build settlements, make sure you get 6 CHA and this perk.

Medic (INT 2 - Rank 1)

Needed for clinics.

Cap Collector (CHA 1 - Rank 2)

Needed for advanced shops.

Science! (INT 6 - Rank 1)

Allows you to build large generators and better defenses.

Hacker (INT 4 - Rank 1)

Required to build terminals.

Gun Nut (INT 3 - Rank 1)

Required to build better turrets.

Notable Perks

Party Boy (CHA 7)

The first tier of this perk is pretty bad since it's easily avoidable (don't drink alcohol if you don't want to get addicted to alcohol #LifeLessons). But doubling the affects of alcohol is potentially really strong and 3+ LCK is really good.

And there's always the roleplaying aspect to the game, a drunk-ass Wasteland cowboy is pretty neat. Look out, John Wayne.

Black Widow (CHA 2), but maybe not Lady Killer

If you really want to min/max, this perk can be quite strong. The Black Widow perk is much stronger than Lady Killer by the nature of the game as men are more common in Wasteland combat.

Refractor (PER 7)

Flat energy resistence. A more costly version of Toughness. It's expensive, so I don't think it's a great perk.

Weapon Specializations

Pick one of the following perks and focus on it. You may want to choose a second one as a backup to fix a weaknesss.

Iron Fists (STR 1***)


STR increases fist/melee damage, so you're going to want more.

Big Leagues (STR 2***)

Melee weapons

STR increases fist/melee damage, so you're going to want more.

Heavy Gunner (STR 5)

Heavy weapons.

Rifleman (PER 2)


Demolition Expert (PER 5)

Explosives are useful on higher difficulties, but the damage shouldn't make much of a difference. The primary purpose of the explosive is to disable the enemy so you can take it down easier; taking out a leg and kiting your opponent is sometimes necessary.

Gunslinger (AGI 1)

Pistols, but not automatic pistols.

Commando (AGI 2)

Automatic weapons.

Ultimate Perks

I call the bottom most perk in each tree "ultimates" (or "ults"). The neat thing is that none of them are necessary (you can't even unlock the third tier of them until level 50), but you can unlock them extremely early if you build your character with them in mind.

The big two are Nerd Rage! (from the INT tree) and Ricochet (from the LCK tree) and if you shoot for both of them, they work together. Ricochet procs more often when you are at low health and Nerd Rage is active at low health. Focusing on low health can be handy for a few reasons: (1) it's relatively easy to control your health, (2) radiation sickness naturally lowers your health, (3) you can play the game normally and still receive benefits of the perk when you need them most.

Nerd Rage! (INT 10)

So, Nerd Rage!... It's basically lots of free chems when you are low health (and being low health occurs farily often with how radiation works). 20% more damage and 20+ damage reduction are both huge.

Ricochet (LCK 10)

Ricochet is effectively a golden gun and golden guns are powerful (one shotting or one hit knock outs should be considered over powered). However, there are a few drawbacks to this perk... Range and, well, RNG. It can be a win-more effect if you play with ranged weapons. In that case, range is your friend and you should already be winning the fight if it's ranged; melee tends to be a problem and this perk does not help you in meleee range (and that's bad). RNG being the other problem, the ability could proc to often or not enough and since it does work on bosses, fights can end too quickly sometimes.

Concentrated Fire (PER 10) - Honorable Mention

In a vacuum, this should be the most consistent ultimate perk. Due to the fact that V.A.T.S. has a special place in this game (I'm sorry, no pun intended), it's arguably the most natural progression to an ultimate but it doesn't really shine until level 50 and most of your problems are solved by then. It will be slightly better if you specialize in handguns since you spend less ability points per shot.

Solar Powererd (END 10) - Honorable Mention

The runner up perk is Solar Powered (from the END tree). Free chems (you should notice a trend by now), reducing radiation, and returning health are all nice, but without controlling time, the ability is only up at best half the time. The requirements are strange, since you get +2 END when you've already invested 10 points into END (clearly a win-more situation) and to use the perk to it's fullest, you need to be a melee build. You can run into weight management issues as you play with STR toggling on and off.

Trap Perks

These perks look good, but probably aren't worth it. Most of these are perks for builds that would require lots of points in a different tree without offering much synergy.

Rad Resistant (6 END)

Radiation is something you can largely ignore. If you're exploring, wear a hazmat suit or your power armor and use Rad-X or RadAway.

Ghoulish (9 END)

This perk is too expensive for being really bad. Radiation poisoning reduces your health and this does nothing to prevent that. Short term gains for long term losses (unless you go see a doctor or have a bunch of Radaway). Just stock up on Stimpacks and food instead. Now consider that Cannibal is 8 END and effectively provides the same healing effects (at a slightly higher moral cost).

Nuclear Physicist (INT 9)

Energy weapons are not radiation weapons.

Blitz (AGI 9)

That's a lot of AGI points for a melee perk. Might be handy to close the gap, but armor is probably a better call.

Pain Train (STR 10)

Pain Train requires you to use your combat suit and combat suits are pretty expensive because fusion core maintainence sucks. Unless you are willing to invest 9 INT for Nuclear Physicist, it's best to avoid this trait unless you are natually dumping STR for melee combat.

Idiot Savant (LCK 5)

Just. Play. The. Game. You don't need to waste points to make leveling easier. If you really want to level fast, just find an exploit instead of wasting three points in this.

In defense of this perk, it will always provide a boost to experience (even at 15 INT) and you can save the game before quest turn ins and repeat until it procs.

Gun Fu (AGI 10)

I have a rule when it comes to games. Walls of text normally means it's good. This does a lot, 25% increased damage, 50% increased damage, 100% crit. All of these are really good, but it requires multiple targets to do anything, and it's really hard to find groups large enough to have this perk shine.